CV. Subur Jaya Perkasa

We are established since 1986 as sole agent and official agent of KDK fan in Surabaya and Bali area. The power of distribution we hold by paying attention to every customer, either with small or large take. We appreciate the commitment from the store to sell KDK products and together we work together to build on success. The KDK brand has been in Indonesia since 1960 as a product of Matsushita Seiko, Ltd., Japan. By presenting the best quality, we strive to provide maximum customer satisfaction. All KDK products are accompanied by an official warranty. KDK has trusted the public as the top choice for fans over the decades. No wonder the KDK brand is growing rapidly from year to year, and production is increasingly improved to meet customer needs. Range of products offered is also expanded, by presenting new models to answer the needs of room ventilation with the current building form. We also at once as a service fan KDK fan for East Java and Bali. As a service center we have the task of listening directly from the community about the quality of KDK products and then providing inputs to KDK plants in Japan. For consumers who already bought KDK and SEKAI products in CV. Subur Jaya Perkasa we also provide official warranty and service services. We also serve delivery to out of town or outside the island through expedition services. Please contact us further to estimate KDK fan shipping price to your destination store. OUR PRODUCT DETAIL INFO CAN CONTACT TO: [email protected]  081915007899/089661683037 (WA)

Lihat Selengkapnya

Brand KDK sudah ada di Indonesia sejak tahun 1960 sebagai produk dari Matsushita Seiko, Ltd., Japan. Dengan menghadirkan kualitas terbaik, kami berupaya memberikan kepuasan pelanggan yang semaksimal mungkin. Semua produk KDK disertai garansi 2 tahun untuk motor dan spare part. KDK telah dipercaya masyarakat sebagai pilihan utama untuk kipas angin selama lebih dari puluhan tahun. Tidak heran brand KDK mengalami pertumbuhan yang cukup pesat dari tahun ke tahun, dan produksi semakin ditingkatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Range product yang ditawarkan juga diperluas, dengan menghadirkan model-model baru untuk menjawab kebutuhan ventilasi ruangan dengan bentuk bangunan sekarang ini.