CEILING FAN KDK WZ56P-GY is used to spread cold air throughout the room, designed to be used in air-conditioned rooms or in open spaces. It consumes 220V and releases 206 m3 / min air and air speed of 160m / min. CEILING FAN KDK WZ56P-GY has a propeller with a size of 140cm with a length of 29cm pipe. This fan has a 5 speed & OFF setting. For motor is equipped with thermal fuse so as not to cause noise. Also equipped with steel wire as a safety. For this product is available white color. We also sell the same product with different colors like WZ56P with white color.
CV. Subur Jaya Perkasa CEILING FAN KDK WZ56P-GY
CV. Subur Jaya Perkasa as KDK distributor in Surabaya we hold by paying attention to every customer, either with small or big take. By presenting the best quality, we strive to provide maximum customer satisfaction. ForCEILING FAN KDK WZ56P-GY with 5 years warranty and 2 years spare part.
For reservations CEILING FAN KDK WZ56P-GY please contact below:
081331607889 (No.Tlp & WA)
Or visit our office at:
JL. Karang Empat Timur II No. 54-58 Tambaksari, Surabaya
East Java - Indonesia