Exhaust Fan
Sell EXHAUST KDK 25ASB is a functional fan that discharges dirty air of the room equipped with motor sounds and fine propellers with large suction power. For how to install simple and easy. The motor is equipped with thermal fuse. The five-leaf propellers are made of metal so that it is resistant to heat of the room. Suitable for dipapur installed because it is equipped with oil cup to accommodate cooking oil that come sucked and stick in the body fan. For this product is available white color.
CV. Subur Jaya Perkasa EXHAUST KDK 25ASB
CV. Subur Jaya Perkasa as KDK distributor in Surabaya we hold by paying attention to every customer, either with small or big take. By presenting the best quality, we strive to provide maximum customer satisfaction.
For reservations EXHAUST KDK 25ASB please contact below:
081331607889 (No.Tlp & WA)
Or visit our office at:
JL. Karang Empat Timur II No. 54-58 Tambaksari, Surabaya
East Java - Indonesia